Harrison B. Photography

Harrison B. Photography
(All rights reserved to Harrison B. Photography 2010)

About Me

I am a young photographer who has a true passion for photography and the environment. I have just started my second year of photography at the Nova Scotia Community College, on the east coast of Canada. I am constantly working to take my photography to the next level. I deliver high quality work, in all aspects of photography. Conservation and creative portraits are my inspiration. I strive to show the raw beauty of the worlds most pristine but threatened ecosystems and their inhabitants, both on land and underwater, as a conservation photographer. If you are interested in my work or you have any questions please feel free to contact me at, (harrisonburtonphotography@live.com). You can view and purchase my work at my site: (http://archive.harrisonbphotography.com)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Channeling Hope ~ Fundraising to help fight AIDS in Africa

"Channeling Hope"

Hi everyone,

     It's been ages since my last post and I realized I want my clients and viewers to know more about my photography. Just last night I photographed the fundraiser and celebration event called, "Channeling Hope", held at PIER 21, Halifax. This event was a celebration/fundraiser to help fight aids in Africa.

     An amazing woman named Kristin Roe challenged herself on July 22nd 2010, to swim the English Channel. She completed her  swim in 16 hours and 40 minutes. That day she became the first ever Nova Scotian to ever successfully swim the English Channel. Not only did she conquer her goal, she did it to raise AIDS awareness and 100,000 dollars for the Steven Lewis Foundation and the Nova Scotia Gambia Association.

"Kristin Roe and Mathiang Sing along to Lennie Gallant"

      A friend at NSCC International, (Ashley Pinsent-Tobin), asked me to photograph this event a few weeks ago. I met Ashley when I was accepted into the 2010 International Documentation Mission to Tanzania last may. I have never been as thankful for anything in my life as I am for the opportunity I was given to travel to such a beautiful country and be immersed in their culture. That is another story. My point is when Ashley asked me to photograph ,"Channeling Hope", I immediately took advantage of it.

     Africa is such a beautiful place. The people are brilliant. The generosity and hospitality is amazing. But Somehow amongst all the beauty it has the highest infection rate of AIDS in the world. More then half of the infected are woman and children. This is unacceptable considering the disease has been around for nearly half a century. The powers of the world have failed time and time again at resolving this on-going crisis. It is in the hands of the general public and the generosity of Canadians to continue the aid to Africa.

"Steven Lewis Giving his Inspirational Speech"
    Special people like Kristin and Steven Lewis are the key to helping the people of Africa win the battle against AIDS. Steven Lewis gave a speech last night that truly inspired a theatre full of canadians. Even as the event photographer, I had to tell myself to stop and really soak in what Steven had to say. Never in my life have I seen a few hundred people trying so hard not to cry. The research and education being performed to prevent the spread of AIDS was truly inspiring. If Steven gained anything last night, it was the respect of the citizens of Nova Scotia. After a lifetime of remarkable accomplishments, he has inspired change and given hope to millions.

    After a full night of musical performances by Lennie Gallant, Ruth Mathiang and various speeches  to support the cause, "Channeling Hope", was a success. There was an auction held before the event and at the intermission to raise additional funds for the cause. Overall, the night could not have been better. Today I am proud to say I am canadian. I am proud to have been in the presence of such wonderful people. I am so thankful to have been a part of this event and I will continue to support the cause and the fight against AIDS. "Thank you", to all my viewers who have taken the time to read my blog. I hope you will do your part, wether it be big or small...it will always make a difference!


Harrison Burton

~Harrison B. Photography~
*All rights reserved to Harrison B. Photography*
Site link: (http://archive.harrisonbphotography.com)

Channeling Hope Campaign Website: http://www.channelinghope.com

Steven Lewis Foundation Website: http://www.stephenlewisfoundation.org



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