Hey guys! I just came back from the break and I thought it would be nice to give everyone an update on the trip! I went through quite a bit of trouble getting my passport in Halifax, but finally it will be here by the 26th of this month. That lifts a huge amount of stress off my shoulders knowing NSCC International will be able to book my flights with everyone else. Just last week I went into the travel clinic in Dartmouth to get my vaccinations required for travel into Tanzania. Thankfully it was only three needles, (Typhoid, Yellow Fever and Hepatitis A). The Yellow Fever vaccination was no fun but it's good to have it over and done with. My gear list is coming together and my Photo 1 teacher Ingram has actually let me borrow his monopod for the trip so thank you Ingram, and to all who are helping make this mission to Tanzania a success for me!
I have put the word out there for the people that are willing to donate their recyclables to help me fund the mission. Thank you to all that have helped me out so far! I can't tell you how much it means to me to have your support. As for the rest of you guys, let me know if you are willing to help out even in the smallest way possible it would be very much appreciated. It's been rough but selling things on kijiji has also really helped me out. Let me know if you have any old things of any value that you are willing to part with that I can sell for additional funding. I am trying to make roughly two thousand to pay the one thousand dollar fee to do the program which covers, (Transportation, accommodations and activities) and then to pay for my food and water.
Other than that I have been slowly learning Swahili with a lonely planet phrase book I bought last week at Chapters. "Habari" is hello:). Photography is, "Upigaji Picha". It is a really interesting language to learn and I am really enjoying it! Hopefully by the time we land in Dar es Salaam, I will be able to carry on a conversation to some degree with the Tanzanian people. Once again thank you all who support my work and check back soon for more info!